Sie sind hier: Startseite Gender Competence 2003-2010 Gender Mainstreaming Implementation Implementation Concept Steering of implementation

Steering of implementation

Implementation concept – steering of implementation / responsibilities

Even if GM means all staff integrating gender equality into their specialist work, this does not simply happen overnight. The implementation of GM must be steered. This means that the implementation concept must include the allocation of clear and effective responsibilities for the implementation of GM. In planning such responsibility provisions, it is important that, in keeping with the mainstreaming idea of GM, no special structures, no ‘sidestream’ should as a rule be established. One idea here could include allocating responsibility for the process steering to a planning staff or a central department. Here you can find detailed information on the establishment of responsibilities and competencies.
The gender equality officer should not be given responsibility for GM. The matter of steering of implementation is not finished with when competencies have been allocated. The implementation concept should establish the steering methods that are planned. For example, it is conceivable that the application of steering methods such as agreement of goals or tools could be established. More on this is in the lecture Possibilities for steering in the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in transition to regular practice [German].

erstellt von Administrator zuletzt verändert: 02.01.2010 20:07